Saturday, May 16, 2009

Candida Albicans (Yeast) Self Screening

When clients come to see me, the very first test I do before any other is a Candida Albicans screening. A Yeast overgrowth in the intestinal track is linked to so many ailments that it absolutely must considered as a potential root before looking at more specific health problems. I have had many clients come to me with all matter of ailments but once we got the Candida under control, most of the other problems slowly disappeared. If you think you may have a Candida overgrowth, look at the list of symptoms below and add up how many apply to you.

Symptoms may include:
Abdominal pain
Cramps and/or Menstrual Irregularities
Erratic Vision
Feeling "spacy" or "unreal"
Feeling of being "drained"
Jock itch or athletes foot
Loss of sexual desire
Muscles aches
Muschle weakness
Nail fungus
Numbness, burning or tingling
Pain and/or swelling in joints
Persistent vaginal burning or itching
Poor memory
Spots in front of the eyes
Unusual vaginal discharge

These are some, but not all, of the symptoms associated with a Candida overgrowth. If you have 3 or more of these symptoms and you would consider them "severe", then you should definitely consider a good probiotic for a minimum of 1 month or until the symptoms disappear. Now I want to be clear about my definition of a "GOOD PROBIOTIC". First of all, it must require that it be refrigerated for best potency. Second, it must have at least 10 Billion Viable Cells. Third, it should have multiple strains of bacteria to be most effective. Fourth, buy only a reputable brand. As with all supplements, you get what you pay for. My current favourite is "UDO's CHOICE Hi-Potency Bowel Probiotic" which has 70 Billion viable cells or "UDO's CHOICE Super-8 Hi-Potency Probiotic" which has 30 Billion viable cells. Udo's products are not cheap, but they are among the best out there. You can visit to find locations or ask at your favourite health food store for the products they recommend. Another product to consider is Grapefruit Seed Extract (note: not grape seed) which has tremendous antifungal properties. This comes in a tincture which you can put under your tongue (super YUCK!!) which is the most effective way, or you can buy it in capsules if the taste is too much for you. You can also apply the tincture directly to nail fungus or athlete's foot.

If you develop diarrhea after starting the probiotic, reduce the dosage but continue taking it because this is a sign that it is working. Also add 2 tbsps of ground flax seed daily to your diet. This will help transport toxins out of the body and add bulk to the stool. Also ground flax seeds help good bacteria to flourish in the intestine.

If you would like to do a full Candida screening and/or receive more specific recommendations for your individual ailments, you can visit my website and fill in the "Contact" form and I will get back to you as soon as possible.