Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Mini-Guide to Plastic Bottles

Plastics have become such a pervasive part of our daily lives that it can be difficult to do without them, even when we are concerned about their safety. But most of the plastic bottles and containers we use carry a recycling symbol that can be a help in deciding how to use them.

A Mini-Guide to Plastic Bottles
You’ve been hearing all kinds of bad news reports about toxic chemicals leaching from plastic bottles and containers. If you heat these bottles or re-use them, you might be increasing your exposure to hormone mimics or any of a number of other chemicals.
But plastic is all around us, and not all of it is hazardous to your family’s health. How do you know which types of plastics are worse, and which are not as bad? One clue is the number inside the recycling symbol on the bottom of the bottles or containers. The numbers indicate which are accepted by recyclers, but they also indicate the class of plastic and its chemical characteristics:

No. 1 PETE or PET (polyethylene terephthalate)
No. 2 HDPE (high density polyethylene)
No. 3. V (vinyl) or PVC
No. 4. LDPE (low density polyethylene)
No. 5. PP (polypropylene)
No. 6. PS (polystyrene)
No. 7. Other or miscellanous

To sum up, if the bottle has the number 1, 2, 4, or 5 on the bottom, it’s made from one of the safer plastics. If the number says 3, 6, or 7, there is a greater likelihood that the bottle will be leaving a chemical residue in your beverage. Category No. 3, PVC or polyvinyl chloride, is the worst, followed by No. 7, which may contain polycarbonates (bisphenol-A).

Another rule of thumb is that the softer the plastic the more likely that leaching can occur. You can also use your nose. If you sniff a hint of plastic, find another container. Of course, your best bet is to avoid plastics for food and beverage altogether, and use glass, metal, or ceramic refillable containers whenever possible.

Cancer - Fending off the Enemy

Based on the 2007 Canadian Cancer Society report, 39% of women and 44% of men will develop cancer in their lifetimes. On the basis of current mortality rates, 24% of women and 28% of men will die from cancer. Lung cancer is by far the leading cause of premature death for both sexes combined, with colorectal cancer coming second. Lung cancer incidence and mortality rates continue to rise among women but are decreasing among men. Breast cancer is the most common cancer for women and prostate cancer is the most common for men. Relative survival rates are lowest for pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer and lung cancer. Relative survival rates are best for testicular cancer, thyroid cancer, prostate cancer and melanoma.

The word “Cancer” refers to the process of uncontrolled cell division. It is thus an umbrella term that encompasses hundreds of different diseases but is not a disorder in and of itself. Cancer begins when genes that control the growth of cells are mutated in the body. This is sometimes an inherited flaw, but more often is the result of the environment and diet. Cells begin to multiple and divide at a rapid rate and the resulting cells form a lump – some benign, some malignant. These lumps pull nutrients away from the healthy tissues surrounding them thus causing interference with normal body functions. If the growth continues, these cells may spread to other parts of the body through the lymphatic system. This is called metastasis.

There are four (4) basic categories for cancer. First are Carcinomas which affect the soft tissue in the organs and glands like the skin, lungs, and pancreas. Second are Sarcomas which affect the solid tissues like the bones, muscle and cartilage. These are types of cancer are quite rare. Third are Lymphomas which are in the lymphatic system. Finally, Leukemias are cancers of the tissues that form blood. Leukemia is different from the other three types in that there are no hard tumors.

Prevention involves numerous strategies. Avoiding the obvious “enemies” like cigarettes, second hand smoke, environmental toxins, heavy metals (e.g. mercury) and processed foods is relatively easy, but there are many hidden “enemies” that are more difficult to avoid. Pages and pages could be written on what to watch out for. However, rather than spending time searching out the enemy, why not just anticipate the attack and prepare to defend yourself.

Whether you already have cancer, or you want to prevent it from occurring, your first priority should be to build (or rebuild) your immune system. A high quality multivitamin supplement with plenty of vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids and antioxidants is vital to this process. Look for a vitamin supplement company that follows Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Processes (GMPs) to ensure quality, safety and potency of the ingredients.

Vitamin C is known as the healing vitamin and is vital to the creation and rebuilding of cells, especially collagen and strengthening of the cell walls. It is a powerful antioxidant, especially in combination with Vitamin E. It is important that the Vitamin C be in the form of bioavailable mineral ascorbates such as Calcium Ascorbate, Magnesium Ascorbate, Potassium Ascorbate and Zinc Ascorbate. When bound to minerals, vitamin C is released more slowly into the system and can be more readily absorbed by the cells.

Turmeric (curcumin) has many different anticancer effects and can be used safely in conjunction with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.

Fish oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties which can help in the healing process and can prevent cachexia (tissue wasting).

Whey protein powder provides valuable protein to support the immune system. It also helps increase the levels of the important antioxidant glutathione. It is especially useful after surgery when patients often have difficulty digesting whole foods. (Do NOT confuse this with pre-made liquid protein supplements. This form of protein is extremely difficult to digest and can actually be quite toxic).

Milk Thistle can help protect the liver during chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

Green Tea has been shown in studies to reduce the risk of stages I and II breast cancer. It has also been closely associated with a decreased number of auxiliary lymph node metastases among premenopausal women.

CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) improves cellular oxygenation. It also facilitates the repair of RNA and DNA. It supports the immune system by detoxifying dangerous substances.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenger and provides protection against cancer.

Flaxseed oil has antioxidant properties and may protect against and prevent the spread of cancer.

L-Carnitine is another powerful antioxidant that protects against damage from free radicals and toxins.

Eating a healthy diet consisting of whole, organic foods is, of course, a huge part of the process. Supplements will be of little value when added to a “junk” food diet. Taking responsibility for your health will pay off in the long run, but it is important to start sooner rather than later.

School Lunches – The Bane of Every Parent’s Existence

When I was in elementary school I had a choice: peanut butter and jam with an apple; peanut butter and honey with an apple; or peanut butter and banana with an apple. The problem now is that kids have too many choices and frankly, they are too fussy – my children included. Also with nut allergies, the peanut butter option has kind of disappeared. Parents at my kids’ school often approach me and ask what I put in their lunches. They are often surprised when I tell them that starting last year both my girls, aged 9 and 12, make their own lunches. I make sure I have healthy choices in the house, then I set out some clear rules, and they follow them. Since I believe in the 80/20 rule, they must have 80% of their lunch healthy choices and 20% “treats”. Since the treats part is easy, I will talk about what I consider to be healthy choices. First, however, I would like to suggest you invest in some really good quality food containers (safe plastics are #1, #2, #4 and #5), a wide mouth thermos and freezer packs. This will make life so much easier.

- Any kind of fresh fruit, apples, sliced oranges, pears, grapes, etc. Put the fruit in containers wrapped in paper towel to stop it from bruising. If your kids like apples or pears cut up, sprinkle a little lemon juice over them to stop them from turning brown (oxidation). If nuts are permitted, try having some peanut butter to dip the fruit in to. If fresh fruit is not feasible, an alternative would be something like Motts Fruitsations (Unsweetened). Dried fruit would be the last choice since it is a very concentrated form of sugar. ¼ cup of raisins is equivalent to about 1 cup of grapes. I NEVER recommend fruit juice since it is basically “liquid sugar”. 1 cup of 100% pure apple juice is equal to about 3 or 4 apples and has 30g or 7½ tsp. worth of sugar, but is devoid of the incredible nutrients and fibre that are naturally found in apples. DRINK WATER, EAT FRUIT!!!!!
- ‘Veggies and dip’ is a great, fun way to start incorporating some “greens” into the diet. Cut up celery, carrots, broccoli, etc. and the dip of their choice. We love Renee’s dressings since they are quite “clean”. Hummus is also a great choice. We also like celery with cream cheese or peanut butter.
- Whole grain wraps are so much more fun than sandwiches and the variety is endless. Cook up extra poultry or meat at dinner time, slice it up thinly and use that in the wraps in place of processed meats. If you are vegetarian, use legumes. Add shredded cheese, thinly sliced carrots, sliced red pepper, shredded lettuce, their favourite dressing, guacamole, sour cream, whatever they like – in fact, let them help you make them. If you cut the wraps in ½ inch segments and use colourful toothpicks, they look like pinwheels. I love having peanut butter and a whole banana in a wrap.
- Multigrain crackers and cheese. You can use the thermos for cut up cheese to keep it cold. You can buy pre-sliced cheddar cheese in most stores now. I do NOT recommend processed cheese at all since it is made with Formaldehyde.
- Yogurt cups can also be put in a thermos with ice. Chose 2% fat or higher since children need the fat for their brains to work properly and the low fat varieties are usually loaded with sugar, or worse yet, aspartame. Olympic brand is my favourite. Island Farms is also good.
- If nuts are permitted, then ¼ cup of mixed nuts would be great.
- Chick peas (garbonzo beans) right out of the can are yummy and loaded with protein, iron and zinc. Buy organic if possible

The list of things I DON’T recommend is too long for this article, but you are welcome to make an appointment with me to come to your home or take you grocery shopping along with your kids and together we will get you all on the right track.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Healthy Children for Life – Creating Healthy Habits

Creating Healthy Habits

Last week I wrote about the importance of starting the day with a good, healthy breakfast. I hope some of you have incorporated my ideas and created a more healthful start to the day for your children. Be patient with them. Don’t expect them to jump on the health bandwagon if they are used to having sugary cereals. Habits take time to develop, but, as we all know, take much longer to break – know any smokers? The important thing to remember is that you are in charge. If you don’t buy the junk, they can’t eat it. And when your children tell you that you’re mean and they hate you (as mine have), just remember that you are doing this because you love them. You do, in fact, know more than they do.

So let’s talk about some other daily habits you can start to incorporate into your children’s life. One of the basic philosophies that I live by is the 80-20 rule. 80% of the time, I eat my fruit and veggies, exercise, drink my water, etc. 20% of the time, I have some small indulgences like red wine, an Easter cream egg, some Miss Vickies chips, etc. The latter can only be justified if the former is well in place. For example, when I make my girls’ lunches, they usually have a piece of fruit, baby carrots, multigrain bread with butter (they don’t like sandwiches), some ham or chicken and then a treat, like a cookie. They know that they are not allowed to have the cookie if they haven’t eaten the other healthy food first.

Another great habit is to always eat something good before something bad. For example, if my kids want to have some candy, they have to eat a piece of fruit first, or have some yogurt or cheese. This is a great habit for life because there are always going to be temptations out there, but if you are programmed to eat something healthy first, you will be less likely to grab that treat on its own. I have been doing this with my kids for so long now that they automatically ask “what do I have to eat first in order to have……?” or “if I eat an apple, can I have……..?”

Try just one bite. This is crucial to developing your children’s taste buds. I hear from parents all the time “my kid just hates vegetables”. Of course they do, because it takes time for them to become accustomed to the taste. But you must persist or they will never like them. I love Caesar salad so we have it 2 or 3 times a week. My youngest daughter used to think it was the grossest thing on the planet. However, every time I served it, I told her she had to have one bite. Soon she was having 3 bites, then 5. About 2 months ago I felt like the best mom on the planet when she came home from school and asked to have Caesar salad for her snack – Victory!! Don’t be afraid to use good quality dips, like Renee’s, or cheese sauce (made from real cheese, not processed cheese which contains formaldehyde) to add flavour. Soon you will have your children asking for broccoli for dinner.

Finally, if your kids are thirsty, give them water. So many adults do not drink enough water because it is not one of their basic daily habits. The consequences are too numerous to mention. Teach your children to love and appreciate water as the best thirst quencher going and create one of the most important habits for a healthy life.

Healthy Children For Life - Breakfast

Imagine building a house without a foundation. It may stay standing for awhile, but eventually it will start to shift and crack and eventually collapse. Starting the day with a healthy breakfast should be considered as important to your body as a solid foundation is to a house. The word breakfast literally means “breaking the fast”. After you stop eating in the evening, there is usually about 12 hours until you rise and eat again. Although it is important for your body to rest during the night, it is extremely important to begin nourishing your body once you awaken. As soon as you eat, your metabolism revs up. The internal organs, including the brain, can perform their respective functions and you have energy to begin your day. On the contrary, if you don’t eat, your metabolism is not activated and the body starts to go into starvation mode. The human body has a natural instinct to preserve itself and basic functions begin to slow down as the body responds to a lack of nutrients. By not consuming breakfast, you stress all your internal organs, you have trouble concentrating because there is no energy for your brain, and you create a body that is destined to be obese as it learns to hold onto fat due to this perceived famine. Therefore, eating a healthy breakfast is an extremely important habit to teach your children.

So what are the best choices for breakfast? It is very important at every meal to have carbohydrates and protein. Let’s start with the carbs. A great habit to instill in your children is to have fresh fruit to start the day. Fruit gives you tons of energy, it’s full of nutrients and enzymes for digestion and most varieties have a good amount of fibre. When it comes to bread, insist on multigrain. White bread should be considered a “treat” just like candy. My youngest daughter likes when I make “M&Ms”. No, not the chocolate kind. I toast up some multigrain bread, her current favourite is Dempster’s Whole Grains “Ancient Grains” (3g of fibre and 5g protein per slice). Then after buttering it, I sprinkle a little cinnamon and sugar on top. Cinnamon is a great blood sugar stabilizer and antioxidant. Then I cut the bread into the letter “M”, the first letter of her name. Somehow this makes it taste much more delicious.

Next, I would recommend a good source of protein. Plain, low fat yogurt is great because it is loaded with protein, is an excellent source of calcium, has lots of good bacteria for the intestines and is easy to add flavour to. Stir in the aforementioned fruit, some honey or maple syrup, some chopped up nuts and a high quality granola and you have a very satisfying breakfast. Or make a smoothie with the fruit and yogurt. In my experience, if you give them straws, kids are more likely to drink it. It’s all about making it fun. Stay away from presweetened yogurts that are loaded with sugar. One of my daughters’ favourite breakfasts is what we call “string cheese egg”. I pour egg whites into a fry pan and the girls string the cheese over the top. I serve it rolled up and they love it. What a great blast of protein

Many people ask me about breakfast cereals and instant oatmeal. I am not a fan because most are loaded with sugar and are low in protein and fibre. Nature’s Path, Kashi and President’s Choice brands have some excellent cereals, but make sure you check the nutrition label. Look for at least 4g of protein and 3g of fibre. My kids love the Nature’s Path Optimum and Optimum Slim. They are both loaded with fibre and protein and are actually fantastic to eat after exercising.

By starting the day right, your kids will be ready to perform their best in school, in sports and in life.

The Truth About Acid Reflux

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have found that over 90% of my clients have major digestive issues. Acid Reflux and Indigestion are common complaints. Many of my clients have visited their doctors and are on toxic pharmaceutical drugs that cause more damage than good including the following list of side effects.
* abdominal pain
* constipation
* diarrhea
* dizziness
* dry mouth
* gas
* headache
* nausea or vomiting
They are told this is a "chronic problem" that they are destined to deal with for the rest of their lives.

This is simply not true. The answer is so simple with no need for drugs whatsoever.

While the majority of the population suffering from “Acid Reflux” or “Indigestion” or “Heartburn” is convinced that they produce too much acid and therefore must take Antacids, for most of those people, the OPPOSITE IS TRUE!!!!! There is a common, frequently undiagnosed and usually untreated condition known as hypochlorhydria.

Hypochlorhydria is the underproduction of hydrochloric acid by the stomach. Hydrochloric acid (HCL) is responsible for three important functions:
1. It begins the breakdown of protein
2. In the presence of food, it activates an enzyme called "pepsin," which further breaks down protein
3. It is necessary for the breakdown and utilization of minerals, especially calcium.

NOTE: Calcium can only be absorbed in an acidic environment, so those ads that tell you that an Antacid is a “good source of calcium” is misleading you because Antacids create an alkaline environment and therefore, any calcium present cannot be absorbed by the body.

When the stomach is deficient in HCL production, food eaten lies in the stomach and ferments which leads to gas, burning and bloating. For those people, reaching for their antacids is the worst thing that they can do since it only alleviates the burning symptoms but actually over the long haul just contributes to the real problem!

Usually hypochlorhydria is a condition that is left undiagnosed and untreated. The situation is further complicated by the fact that the symptoms of hypochlorhydria are similar to those of hyperchlorhydria (overproduction of hydrochloric acid). Burping, belching, bloating, "heartburn," gas, sour stomach, undigested food in stool, a voracious appetite (due to cellular "starvation"), food sitting in stomach too long, slow digestion, inability to eat a large meal due to feeling full quickly, constipation, and diarrhea can all be due to insufficient HCL production. Thus, many of those who have too little HCL production are treated as though they have too much.

In the late 1960s, the Heidelberg test was developed. This elegant (but expensive) device involves swallowing a capsule about the size of a vitamin pill that can measure the stomach acid content. But this relatively simple ability to diagnose hypochlorhydria is infrequently used due to the mistaken belief by most practitioners that hypochlorhydria is not worth treating -- astonishing when sales of antacids, acid blockers and ulcer medications consistently top the list of drug sales. An even simpler test is to buy and HCL supplement and take it with a little bit of water. If you experience a burning sensation, you know you have enough acid in your stomach and you don’t need to supplement – simply drink a big glass of water and you will be fine. In all my years of practice THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED!!! Without exception, every client has benefited from supplementing with HCL

Digestion is not the only issue to consider here. Stomach acid serves many other important functions, including keeping the body free from disease. Many bacteria enter the body with food and some of them are not friendly to human life. In a normal stomach, these bacteria are doused with acid and die. In a person with hypochlorhydria, these bacteria remain alive and continue their journey into the small intestine along with a generous food supply. It has been shown that people with hypochlorhydria have a higher incidence of infections. The ever present yeast organism makes its entrance via the mouth. Many people with the so-called "yeast syndrome" are unable to get rid of their yeast because the organism continues to re-infect the body through the mouth. Another important function of hydrochloric acid is the stimulation of pancreatic enzyme and bile release into the small intestine. Without enough pancreatic enzymes and bile, the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins A and E, is severely compromised, inadvertently causing undernutrition even with an excellent diet.

The following conditions have been linked to hypochlorhydria:
Acne rosacea,
Adrenal insufficiency,
Autoimmune Diseases,
Celiac Disease,
Chronic fatigue,
Chronic hepatitis,
Diabetes mellitus,
Dry skin,
Gallbladder disease,
GERD - misdiagnosed acid reflux, but really hypochlorhydria,
Hypoglycemia - Infections increased - parasitic, yeast, bacterial,
Lupus erythematosis
Nail weaknesses
Poor night vision
Rheumatic arthritis
Stomach cancer risk increased
Thyroid disorders

So instead of reaching for an antacid, why not try supplementing with HCL and fix the problem for good. In general, we recommend that someone start out with 1 HCL with each meal. It can take up to a few months for the problem to resolve, but once your symptoms disappear, you can stop taking the HCL and just use as needed. Remember to eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and whole foods to maintain that healthy stomach.

Habit #5 “Get Your Finances in Order”

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have clients who come to me with a variety of ailments seeking to restore balance in their body. In this series of Lens "Habits for Vitality", I'm going to give you some basic habits to incorporate into your life to help you make the changes necessary to live an Optimal Life.

Stress is a major contributor to health issues. Most of my clients who are looking to lose weight and are struggling are under some kind of profound stress in their life. Whether the stress is from working too hard, raising kids, going through a divorce, many of these stresses boil down to financial issues.

A friend of mine recently had a very bad cold and terrible cold sores on her mouth. When I went to visit her, she told me she and her husband had been fighting non-stop because he lost his job and they were out of money. There was a lot of finger-pointing going on. I suggested to her that her current health situation was a direct reflection of the fighting. I sat them both down together and we talked about a plan to move forward.

When couples fight, 7 out of 10 times it is about money. It may not be directly about money, but indirectly it is there.
“You are always at work”
“Why do you need more shoes?”
“How are we going to pay for the kid’s education?”
“Why can’t you get a better job?”

So what does money have to do with Health? Well, humans have what is known as the “Fight or Flight” mechanism, which you have probably all heard of. Here’s how it works.

Rewind to 1000’s of years ago and you are a caveman out hunting when a sabre-tooth tiger suddenly appears. Adrenal starts to rise very quickly and your instincts take over. You have 2 choices; you can either try to kill the animal or run like heck in the opposite direction. Both these choices involve physical activity. In the fighting or running, you burn off the adrenal that has built up and you are fine.

Now, let’s fast forward to modern day and the scenario changes. You are sitting at your kitchen table staring at your credit card statement in disbelief. Your husband walks through the door with a new big-screen tv and tells you he has invited all the guys to come over on Sunday to watch the game on the new tv. Adrenal starts to rise very quickly and your instincts take over. Do you have the same 2 choices; try to kill your husband or run like heck in the opposite direction? Not really, but the alternative is actually worse for your health. You may start yelling and screaming or worse yet, you just sit there seething building up resentment. Neither of these involves physical activity so the adrenal does not get burned off.

The result is that your body produces cortisol. This in turn creates inflammation in your body which causes you to store fat in your abdominal area to protect your internal organs from the inflammation. Inflammation is a great source of health problems from arthritis to heart disease.

Autopsies are showing that even thin people have fat surrounding their internal organs as a protective mechanism. Fatty Liver Disease is one of the fastest growing diseases in North America because of this mechanism.

Here are some suggestions.

- Meet with a Financial Planner and get some professional advice. They are objective and knowledgeable and are not emotionally attached to your situation.
- Look into refinancing and/or consolidating your debts.
- Be clear about all your fixed monthly expenses: rent/mortgage, hydro, gas, insurance, phone, taxes and how much is left over after those are paid.
- Look at your variable expenses: food, entertainment, gifts and see where you can cut back.
- Research ways to make some additional income.
- Stop focusing on what you should have done and instead learn from this experience and move forward together as a team with a common goal.
- Eat healthy food. The impulse when you are stressed is to dig into that bag of potato chips or box of cookies. However, this will further suppress your immune system making you more susceptible to illness. Also the weight you gain in the process will make you feel even more stressed.
- Go for a long walk or get some form of exercise every day to help clear your head and re-energize your body.
- Have sex regularly. Often when you are angry or stressed, this is the first activity that ceases and that is a big mistake. Remaining intimate with your partner is an important key in being a strong team and reducing the chance of building up resentments. Also, having sex releases endorphins in the brain which are the “feel good” chemicals that you need more than ever when you are stressed.

Habit #4 "Eat Foods That Are Right For You"

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have clients who come to me with a variety of ailments seeking to restore balance in their body. In this series "Habits for Vitality", I'm going to give you some basic habits to incorporate into your life to help you make the changes necessary to live an Optimal Life.

“What should I eat to be healthy?” I really wish there was one simple answer, but just as we are all unique in our personalities, we are unique in the foods we need to consume. A Ferrari needs high octane fuel and a Honda needs low octane fuel – that’s just the way it is for them to perform optimally. So what fuel do you need to perform optimally? Perhaps the information below will help answer that for you.

Hippocrates 460-377 B.C. once said, "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food"

Lucretius, the Roman Healer/Philosopher observed some 2000 years ago, "One Man's food is another man's poison".
Have you ever heard of an elephant hunting down a wildebeest and eating that for lunch, or heard of a lion eating leaves and grass? Of course not. Animals instinctively know what food source their bodies require and eat only that.

As humans we have this instinct as well, the only problem is, we ignore it. The signs and symptoms are all there but due to an overabundance of food at our disposal we choose to eat all that is available without consideration for the affects on our body.

Example 1: you eat some food for dinner and then get wicked heartburn or indigestion.

What is the typical response to this? Take a pill to fix the problem. This seems ridiculous to me.
Why not reflect on the fact that whatever it was you ate is not right for your body and thus causing this uncomfortable reaction? You system is literally trying to regurgitate what it considers to be toxic.

Example 2: you go out for lunch with some friends and 2 hours later you are dopey and desire an afternoon nap.

What is the typical response to this? You grab a coffee or something sweet for a pick-me-up. Now you are setting yourself up to crash again.

Why not reflect on what you ate for lunch and recognize that whatever you had is putting a strain on your digestion – which by the way, requires a lot of energy – and try to figure out the problem. If you had pasta for lunch, try protein next time and see the difference (or vice versa).

Example 3: your girlfriend goes on a diet and loses a ton of weight practically overnight. You give it a try and not only does it not work, but the pounds pile on instead.

What is the typical response to this? you beat yourself up and wonder “what’s wrong with me” and perhaps even go to the health food store looking for a pill to solve the problem

Why not reflect on the fact that your girlfriend is different from you. One size most definitely does not fit all. Think about the foods that make you feel full and satisfied for a long time. Trying eating only protein or only carbs at a meal and note the difference in how long you feel energized.

Keep a food diary – not just what you eat, but how you feel. Consider the following:

Mental Clarity: are you able to sit and read a book and absorb the information or is your mind wandering?

Appetite: are you hungry less than 2 hours after eating or are you satisfied for hours?

Cravings: are you desperately looking for chocolate, sweets or potato chips?

Emotions: are you feeling emotionally stable or are you ready to freak out if anyone so much as says “boo” to you?

Physical: are you feeling any pain, discomfort, allergic reaction, indigestion, headache, etc.?

Sleep: are you able to sleep through the night without waking? If you wake up for a “toilet run” or because of a sound, can you fall back to sleep easily?

Your Metabolic Type is unique and hereditary. Eating the right foods in the right combinations for your Metabolic Type will make you feel great and improve your vitality and general well being.
Metabolic Typing Diet has been around since the mid 1980's when researchers in the US discovered "biochemical individuality". They found that no two individuals are alike on a biochemical or physiological level. Cutting-edge research by Wolcott and Fahey (2000) shows that a 'Metabolic Typing Diet' will enable you to:
• naturally achieve and maintain your ideal weight
• enhance athletic performance
• enjoy sustained energy and endurance
• conquer indigestion, fatigue and allergies
• bolster your immune system
• prevent and reverse diseases
• slow down the aging process
• overcome mood swings and depression
• ultimately improve your whole lifestyle and gain vitality

Each individual has a specific dominant metabolic rate, which is determined via factors such as heredity and environment, (weather, stress, etc). These factors may change over time, but by 'listening' to your body, you can regain and maintain a sense of well being and vitality.

Understanding your MT will lead to increased physical energy enabling you to perform everyday tasks better, control cravings, eliminate hunger between meals and ultimately to increase your sense of well-being.

If you would like to know your Metabolic Type and a list of the foods you should be eating, visit, pay for the online test and I will email you the link and then the results when I get them. You will receive a full listing of the foods you should and should not eat and foods that are neutral. If you have specific ailments, there is further intake information we can incorporate to get a more detailed list of foods.

Habits for Vitality #3 “Drink Good Water Daily”

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have clients who come to me with a variety of ailments seeking to restore balance in their body. In this series "Habits for Vitality", I'm going to give you some basic habits to incorporate into your life to help you make the changes necessary to live an Optimal Life.

Most people only consider 3 Macronutrients when looking at their diet: Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats, but there is a fourth Macronutrient: Water.

There are 2 very important questions I ask clients after I have heard their primary goals (e.g. weight loss, pain reduction, allergy issues). The first is how much water they drink on a daily basis and the second is how often they have a bowel movement. The answers will usually tell me if they are adequately clearing toxins out of their body and that is always the best place to start. Most health issues center around digestion (or rather poor digestion) and holding excess toxins in the body. Therefore taking water into account is vital to achieving optimal health.

Water - we take it for granted daily. It's just not big deal to have a shower any time we want, water the lawn, wash the car, etc. It flows abundantly (so it seems) so what's the Big Deal? The reason it is so abundant on the earth is because we need it in abundance in our bodies.

What percentage of your body is water? Have a guess. It's between 55% and 80%. So how important do you feel it is to drink good water?

- Drink at least two glasses of good water as soon as you wake up and take some Probiotics (good bacteria for the intestines that are vital for proper digestion).
- Sip good water throughout the day.
- Drink then wait around 20 minutes before eating.
- Drink 1+ hour after eating.

Try NOT to eat and drink at the same time, this dilutes the HCL (Hydrochloric Acid) in your stomach! What's the color of your Urine? Yellow can mean you're dehydrated, or you've consumed some B complex vitamins!

The Brain, along with all the internal organs and cells rely on water as a crucial substance to allow for proper functioning. Mild dehydration can interfere with concentration and cause headaches. Instead of having a nap in the afternoon, try chugging 2 glasses of water and that sleepy feeling will likely disappear.

If you are trying to lose weight and you are not drinking enough water - Good Luck!!!! You will struggle and isn't that the last thing you want? Converting fat into energy in the body is a very complicated metabolic process which requires a great deal of water. Also waste is produced in this process that must be flushed out of the body. Give yourself a break. Drink more water and watch the weight slip away much more easily.

Clinical and scientific research exposes, for the first time, that recurring "chronic pains" are a signal system of the body indicating severe general or local dehydration. Most of the arthritis pains can be relieved simply by drinking water. Instead, however, the patient often receives costly pharmaceutical medications which treat the symptoms rather than cure the cause.

Most people do not consume enough water on a daily basis. Infants who are breast fed do NOT need to drink water, as they get plenty in the breast milk. If they are not breast fed, they should consume 1.5 ounces of water per pound of body weight. Children should drink an average of 40 ounces a day. Children should EAT fruit and DRINK water as fruit juice is loaded with natural sugars (add sometimes added sugars). Adults should drink at least 48 to 60 ounces a day and more if they are exercising vigorously.

Increase your water consumption by one glass per week until you reach the desired intake of about 8 glasses per day. This way, your body will slowly get accustomed to receiving more water and you won't be running to the toilet every 10 minutes. The ideal situation would be to consume 2 glasses upon rising in the morning then have 1 glass of water every hour until late afternoon. If you have a digital watch, set it to chime every hour as a reminder. If you consume your water in the early part of the day, you won't be waking in the night for trips to the toilet.

Habit #2 "Remember How To Breathe Like a Baby"

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have clients who come to me with a variety of ailments seeking to restore balance in their body. In this series "Habits for Vitality", I'm going to give you some basic habits to incorporate into your life to help you make the changes necessary to live an Optimal Life.

Stress causes numerous physiological changes, including changes in how we breathe. When we are stressed, our breath becomes shallow usually due to increased blood pressure, then oxygen levels drop and stress increases. A viscous cycle thus begins. One of the most important ways to get stress under control is to slow down our breathe cycle.

Isn't it amazing how our body does things without us even knowing it? Our breath is essential to our survival and we can only last six minutes maximum without breathing in more oxygen.

Did you know that 75% of diseases have been related to poor breathing techniques!
Try this first, stand up straight and put your right hand on your heart (centre of your chest) and your left hand on your stomach. Breathe normally and observe what moves and when. Do not take in more air than you normally do, but rather, quietly observe your breath and notice which hand is doing most of the moving.

Take a moment or two to notice how you breathe. Is it your chest hand or your stomach hand that moves first? Place both your hands on your lower ribcage now. Relax your abdomen, and as you inhale a normal amount of air, feel your ribcage expand all around. Allow the air to come out all by itself. Notice how your spine moves.

How did you breathe? Like a baby or are you a chest breather? Now concentrate on deeply filling your lower lungs first then your upper chest. Empty the lower then your upper chest. Breathing properly utilises more calories, relaxes you and makes you feel phenomenal! Spend at least a few times a day while in your office or while driving, concentrating on your deep breathing techniques. It will relax and reenergise you.

Deep breathing massages all our internal organs including the heart, decompresses our spine, oxygenates each and every cell in our body, and can relax your mind if you breathe deeply. Try having an argument when you are consciously breathing deeply with your respective other or friend. It's impossible; your body is too relaxed. You can't possibly argue and breathe deeply at the same time!

Habit for Vitalilty #1. "Create Thoughts That Will Serve You"

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have clients who come to me with a variety of ailments seeking to restore balance in their body. In this series "Habits for Vitality", I'm going to give you some basic habits to incorporate into your life to help you make the changes necessary to live an Optimal Life.

No Matter what the ailment is, a common thread among my clients is often the way they talk and think about themselves. They are angry about the mistakes they have made, discouraged by bad habits, feel unable to change and are generally very hard on themselves. This is an important place to begin. If you don't see yourself as capable of success, then it won't come. Therefore, to have success in the body, we must first start with the mind.

Your Emotional Health directly affects the quality of your. Your emotional wellbeing is the foundation beneath Self Confidence and this allows you to become whatever your heart desires. The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Self-defeating, negative thinking, which often occurs subconsciously Psychological Reversal

One of the most unique things about us are certainly our thoughts... good, bad, ugly, positive, negative... they all make us special and they create our reality. They also have a major bearing on our state of health, now and in the future.

What is the Equation for Success?

Are you generally happy/sad most of the time? How stressed are you throughout the day? Stating the obvious, we are all different and unique; physically, biologically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc.

Have you ever seen the equation T - A = R + ND
Your Thoughts lead to your Actions, which equal your Results + your New Destiny. If you're not happy with your results, no problem! Change your thinking! This will allow your actions and or behaviour to change and this will create your new Results.

"You are what you think having become what you thought" Buddha.

Here's a typical Thought Process many people fall into:
How many people do you know every day that wake up, look in their bathroom mirror and then provide themselves either an affirmation or just a thought like: "God I look awful", "You look like crap", "I'm so fat", etc. Any thought which does NOT serve you or bring you any benefit can be replaced with one that does.

Change the Thought Process:
Thoughts are powerful and have a major bearing on your health. You may feel like the above, however, CHANGE that thought by firstly saying, "Delete" or "Cancel" three times and replace it with one which will transform your life. "I'm so beautiful", "My waist line has reduced", "I'm looking younger every day". These thoughts become more powerful when they are stated out loud. You may find it embarrassing, talking out loud, so state them while you shower, with the door closed! Recognize your feelings when you make these statements. When your feelings are incongruent with your words, you will create a closer connection to "The Law of Attraction". That will be an amazing start to your journey... getting you to where you'd like to be.

My challenge to you is:
Start by making your unconscious thoughts become conscious and over the next week replace those thoughts in your head, which don't get you to where you want to be.

Arthritis: Part 3 – Supplements

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have seen dozens of clients who live constantly with Joint Pain and Arthritis. When I look at their daily diet journal, they are often eating too many of the foods that will aggravate the problem and not enough of the foods that will help alleviate the problem. In part 1 of this 2 part lens on Arthritis, I will give some suggestions on the best supplements to incorporate into your diet to help reduce your daily pain.

FISH OIL: Contains a direct source of omega 3 fatty acids that reduce joint inflammation and promote joint lubrication. (It is better than flax oil – but this is an option for vegetarians). Make sure that the fish oil is molecularly distilled to remove any heavy metals, such as mercury, from the oil. This process makes it more expensive but it is worth it because heavy metals get stored in the brain and liver and can lead to other health problems. Recent research indicates that many Alzheimer’s patients have mercury deposits in the memory section of the brain. Take at least 1.8mg of DHA and 1.2mg of EPA daily

GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE: This is a remedy specific to Osteoarthritis only. It helps to reduce joint pain and rebuild cartilage. Take 1,500mg daily

METHYLSULFONYLMETHANE (MSM): Has natural anti-inflammatory properties and contains the mineral sulfur which is a component of cartilage.

HIGH-QUALITY MULTI-VITAMIN: You get what you pay for. Drug-store variety vitamins are usually very look quality, use sub-optimal ingredients, cannot be assimilated properly in the body and can sometimes cause more harm than good. Take the time to research the best supplements you can afford and use those. You can visit my website to see which supplements I recommend.

BETAINE HCL: Hydrochloric Acid (HCL) is required to properly digest proteins in the stomach. People suffering from Arthritis are often chronically low on HCL (see my lens – The Truth About Acid Reflux) and the undigested protein becomes toxic in their system and results in joint pain. Follow directions on the bottle.

BROMELAIN: Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme, is the key to pineapple's value. Proteolytic means "breaks down protein", which is why pineapple is known to be a digestive aid. It helps the body digest proteins more efficiently. Bromelain is also considered an effective anti-inflammatory.

TURMERIC: Is a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant. It is important to reduce inflammation in the joint before repair can take place. Turmeric is the main spice used in curry (it provides the bright orange/yellow color), but can also be taken in supplement form.

VITAMIN C: Known as the “healing vitamin”, it is one of the building blocks of collagen, is an anti-inflammatory and helps repair damaged tissue. It is also the only vitamin that tells us when we have had enough through “bowel tolerance”. When you take too much vitamin C, you develop gas and diarrhea. Start with 1000mg per day and add an additional 1000mg everyday until you reach bowel tolerance, then pull back. The amount will be different for everyone and may change throughout the year.

GINGER ROOT: Is a great choice for relief of both inflammation and pain. Pour boiling water over grated ginger root and drink the tea. (You can add some natural honey for flavor if you wish)

GREEN FOODS: Chlorella and spirulina are both super green foods that are high in antioxidants and aid in detoxification.

Arthritis: Part 1 – Foods to Eat

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have seen dozens of clients who live constantly with Joint Pain and Arthritis. When I look at their daily diet journal, they are often eating too many of the foods that will aggravate the problem and not enough of the foods that will help alleviate the problem. In part 1 of this 2 part lens on Arthritis, I will give some suggestions on the best foods to incorporate into your diet to help reduce your daily pain.

"You are what you eat!" How often have you heard that expression and really thought about what it means. Next to breathing, there is really nothing that we do more often than eat. Most people eat 5 to 6 times a day, whether it be a full meal or just a snack. But as you eat, are you really considering that this is the fuel on which your body runs.

Here is an analogy for you. If you own a Ferrari and you need to fill up on gas, do you get the cheapest, low octane fuel? Of course not because you will destroy the engine. However, a Honda Civic needs that cheaper fuel and would be damaged by the high octane variety. So what is the real issue here. Is there a problem with either car? No. Is there a problem with either fuel? No. The problem is putting the wrong fuel in the wrong vehicle, or vise versa, putting the right fuel in the right vehicle.

So are you a Ferrari or a Honda? Are you putting the correct fuel in your body? Well if you have chronic pain and/or disease you already have your answer. When it comes to food, just like with engine fuel, “one size does NOT fit all”. So here are some suggested foods to help get your engine running more efficiently.

FLAX SEEDS: are high in essential fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory properties.

COLD WATER FISH: are also high in essential fatty acids and have anti-inflammatory properties. Examples include salmon, mackerel, tuna, trout and herring.

CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES: Broccoli and cauliflower have anti-inflammatory properties.

RAW VEGETABLES & WHOLE GRAINS: They are full of fiber which helps to sweep away minerals and acid build up and keep the digestive system free of harmful bacteria.

SULFUR RICH FOODS: sulfur helps to repair cartilage and bones. Examples include asparagus, cabbage, garlic and onions.

RAW PINEAPPLE: has an enzyme called bromelain which has been shown to reduce significantly diminished in patients who increased their water intake to 6 – 8 glasses a day.

CURRY: Turmeric is one of the main spices in curry and it has powerful anti-inflammatory affects as well as being a wonderful antioxidant.

Arthritis: Part 2 – Foods to Avoid

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have seen dozens of clients who live constantly with Joint Pain and Arthritis. When I look at their daily diet journal, they are often eating too many of the foods that will aggravate the problem and not enough of the foods that will help alleviate the problem. In part 1 of this 2 part lens on Arthritis, I will give some suggestions on the best foods to incorporate into your diet to help reduce your daily pain.

As I explained in my other Lens about Arthritis: Part I - Foods to Eat, what you put in your body directly affects how it funs.

Here is the analogy again for those of you who missed Part I. If you own a Ferrari and you need to fill up on gas, do you get the cheapest, low octane fuel? Of course not, because you will destroy the engine. However, a Honda Civic needs that cheaper fuel and would be damaged by the high octane variety. So what is the real issue here. Is there a problem with either car? No. Is there a problem with either fuel? No. The problem is putting the wrong fuel in the wrong vehicle, or vise versa, putting the right fuel in the right vehicle.

So are you a Ferrari or a Honda? Are you putting the correct fuel in your body? Well if you have chronic pain and/or disease you already have your answer. When it comes to food, just like with engine fuel, “one size does NOT fit all”. So here are some suggested foods to avoid to help get your engine running more efficiently.

ACID PROMOTING FOODS: too much acid in the body causes inflammation which leads to pain. Avoid the following acid-promoting foods:
- red meat,
- eggs,
- saturated fats,
- fried foods,
- sugar,
- dairy products,
- refined carbohydrates,
- foods high in gluten (breads, pasta, pastries),
- alcohol
- caffeine.

NIGHTSHADE VEGETABLES: these contain a substance called solanine which can trigger allergic responses and pain in some allergy suffers. Try eliminating these foods for 6 weeks and see if there is a difference
- tomatoes,
- potatoes,
- eggplant
- peppers.