Monday, April 6, 2009

Habit for Vitalilty #1. "Create Thoughts That Will Serve You"

As a Registered Nutritionist, I have clients who come to me with a variety of ailments seeking to restore balance in their body. In this series "Habits for Vitality", I'm going to give you some basic habits to incorporate into your life to help you make the changes necessary to live an Optimal Life.

No Matter what the ailment is, a common thread among my clients is often the way they talk and think about themselves. They are angry about the mistakes they have made, discouraged by bad habits, feel unable to change and are generally very hard on themselves. This is an important place to begin. If you don't see yourself as capable of success, then it won't come. Therefore, to have success in the body, we must first start with the mind.

Your Emotional Health directly affects the quality of your. Your emotional wellbeing is the foundation beneath Self Confidence and this allows you to become whatever your heart desires. The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body's energy system. Self-defeating, negative thinking, which often occurs subconsciously Psychological Reversal

One of the most unique things about us are certainly our thoughts... good, bad, ugly, positive, negative... they all make us special and they create our reality. They also have a major bearing on our state of health, now and in the future.

What is the Equation for Success?

Are you generally happy/sad most of the time? How stressed are you throughout the day? Stating the obvious, we are all different and unique; physically, biologically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc.

Have you ever seen the equation T - A = R + ND
Your Thoughts lead to your Actions, which equal your Results + your New Destiny. If you're not happy with your results, no problem! Change your thinking! This will allow your actions and or behaviour to change and this will create your new Results.

"You are what you think having become what you thought" Buddha.

Here's a typical Thought Process many people fall into:
How many people do you know every day that wake up, look in their bathroom mirror and then provide themselves either an affirmation or just a thought like: "God I look awful", "You look like crap", "I'm so fat", etc. Any thought which does NOT serve you or bring you any benefit can be replaced with one that does.

Change the Thought Process:
Thoughts are powerful and have a major bearing on your health. You may feel like the above, however, CHANGE that thought by firstly saying, "Delete" or "Cancel" three times and replace it with one which will transform your life. "I'm so beautiful", "My waist line has reduced", "I'm looking younger every day". These thoughts become more powerful when they are stated out loud. You may find it embarrassing, talking out loud, so state them while you shower, with the door closed! Recognize your feelings when you make these statements. When your feelings are incongruent with your words, you will create a closer connection to "The Law of Attraction". That will be an amazing start to your journey... getting you to where you'd like to be.

My challenge to you is:
Start by making your unconscious thoughts become conscious and over the next week replace those thoughts in your head, which don't get you to where you want to be.

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